

Continued branding of touchpoints for an on-campus organization at Ferris State University working to connect students to campus resourses and improve the holistic wellness of its students.

My Role

User Oriented Design of Touchpoints to Generate Public Awareness

Graphics and Motion Design Production for Digital Presence

Implimentation of Design System for Tableing Events through Physical Artifacts


User proof mailchimp templates provided to faculty running ElevateU. Made to inform students of upcoming events, and helpful articles featured through YOU@Ferris.

Email sign-up sheets have been put out at all events and on stand alone ElevateU tables that not only help keep students engaged but give faculty and staff a sense of how much they continue to grow across campus.

Digital Signage

Shown on closed circuted TVs around campus, enticing students with motion graphics of our signature arrows fading up. Used to lure students to our website and instagram to present all ElevateU has to offer.

Wellness Wednesdays

In an on-going effort to raise awareness, weekly tableing events were set up to promote resources on campus. Each week promoting one dimension of wellness.

Physical Signage

To reach further into the community a series of posters and small handouts were put into play to promote each of the weekly events provided to students.

Nametags created for all faculty working the tables. Designed to be printed out or written on.

Coaching Program

This wellness wednesday table was able to promote their new coaching program using small handouts, a new poster, and excersize bands given out to students wanting to engage in this new resource.

New copy lines written to completely explain and entice users looking looking to enhance their physical well-being

Web design and content © Amelia Iracki 2024